
Greetings and Salutations! This blog tackles the straight-forward issue of being queer and being a person of color in a white hetero world. By straight-forward I mean complicated and hard. Within you will find various and sundry types of media, from poems to political discourse to erotica. Maybe a photo or three. If anything in here confuses or scares you, good. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, Google it.

The following is a bit about my social location. Enjoy!

I am a pansexual, Pagan, kinky, able-bodied, neuro-atypical trans woman of color. I am a first generation american. My mother emigrated here without documents from Colombia shortly before I was born and my father was born in Florida but raised in Puerto Rico. I was born into a working class family but have recently joined the middle class due to my mother’s employment at a bank. I suffer from major depressive disorder and I am a recovering alcoholic. I was born and raised in Boston.

I went to one of the best public high schools in Boston and got many scholarships to attend Northeastern.

I feel that I occupy a strange space within the classroom as well as in the world at large. I have been very, very fortunate. When I came out as trans, my mother did not kick me out of her home. I have a lot of educational privilege as well as class privilege. Thus, I have been able to escape much of the violence that my sisters are subjected too. I have never had to resort to survival sex work. I’ve never been homeless. I’ve never gone hungry. I’ve never been assaulted, although I have been frequently harassed. And I’ve had the time, energy and resources to pursue a college degree.

Because I have health insurance, given to me through my mother, I have been able to pay for the hormones for transition and have undergone some electrolysis. Three years into my transition, I read very well. The only ones, usually, who read me as trans are those who know what they are looking for; namely, other queers and trans people. Many of my sisters do not have that luxury.

I am also light skinned so while racism still affects me, I am treated much better than my sisters with dark skin.

My position as a queer, light skinned trans woman of color allows me to see the many ways that the various systems of power and oppression operate but my class and educational privilege allows me to mitigate the ways that they affect me. While I struggle against cissexism, racism, heterosexism etc, my middle class and educational privilege allows me some wiggle room. While it might be harder for me to get a job than a white man, I will still have the qualifications to apply. Because of my light skin and the fact that I talk “white”, folks with privileged identities are more likely to listen to me than they are to my sisters with darker skin and less access to education.

My experience is informed by my identity and my identity informs my experience. They are the two sides of the same coin. I cannot tease one out and say that one aspect of my identity as informed my experience the most. They are not separate strands of the same cord. Rather, I think that my identity and my experience are a multi-layered portrait. Its existence, and resultant beauty, comes from their unity. This is because I experience them all at the same time. The types of experiences that I have are, at times, a direct result of my identity. And my identity is a consequence of my experiences.

I think that my “purpose”, if you will, is to open the way for others like me to have their voices heard. I feel that because I’ve had the opportunity to study the work of feminist authors/philosophers/poets that have come before me, via my education, I am able to integrate their analyses into my cultural organizing. I want for other trans women of color to have a visible, articulated presence. I want to open the way for other girls like me to liberate ourselves and smash the systems that keep us oppressed. I want the radical theory, the radical vision for a new world to leave the academy and enter the hands of those who will use it to make this world a better place.

My job is not to educate or coddle white people, straight people, cisgender people. My job is not to convince would-be “allies” to “help” us. My job is not to be liked.

My job, as I see it, is to blaze a trail with poetry and art for a space for trans feminine people of color. My job is to work with other Q/TPoC and our comrades (whether straight or queer or PoC or white) to create a self-sustaining community that loves and affirms its own existence and struggles against all systems of oppression. My job is to hold people with privilege accountable. My job is to love myself and protect myself against those systems that would co-opt me, silence me and destroy me. My job is to surround myself by people who love me.

            My job is to struggle for the collective liberation of all people.

11 responses to “About

  • Dan

    I noticed you’re very interested in social justice, so I wonder if you are familiar with the new Justice Party, or with Rocky Anderson, our candidate for President? If not, you might want to check it out… http://www.voterocky.org or http://www.justicepartyusa.org
    I’d love to know what you think.

    • witchymorgan

      I’ll need an articulated representation of the interests of QTPOC communities from the Justice Party before I would consider supporting them. I wouldn’t want to advocate and work for a candidate that is going to leave me and my community behind when it is politically expedient.

      • Dan

        That seems like a pretty high standard, especially for a party that is less than 4 months old. But Rocky Anderson is recognized as an advocate for LGBT rights. Maybe this page will help: http://www.voterocky.org/marriage_equality

        What other party even bothers to mention social justice as part of its core values? Are you planning to vote for someone else?

  • j3ss

    I really just want to say how much I love and appreciate all of your posts in a long letter.Instead I’ll leave you with this baby comment. Your words transmit a lot of truths that I am still learning how to talk about. How to share. Thank You.

  • David Glisch-Sanchez

    Saw you in the allgo calendar. So, glad I decided to check out your blog. Thank you for being and doing you!!

  • Jordan

    Hi there! I came across your blog as I was looking for queer resources in Austin because I just moved back to town. I love everything that you have to say and it has helped inform me of where things are and where they might go. I have a question for you though about queer groups in the city. I am a cis-gender, white, queer woman and that can carry a lot of assumed power and blindness with it, in fact most people I seem to run into here have had a lot of that blindness to issues of race and economics and performance privilege. I am wondering what organizations or groups of people I should research or get involved with that realize these kinds of intersectionalities and that put identity and safety and health issues truly at the forefront of their work. Perhaps it is just that there are people out there humble enough to realize they don’t know it all and human enough to work for more “radical” interests? Thanks for any feedback!

    • witchymorgan

      Hey Jordan! I would definitely check out Project ABC (All Bodies Count). They do healthcare justice for trans* people, undocumented immirgants and people of color.

      allgo, which is a QTPOC organization, is always looking for volunteers and white allies to do everything from run trainings to data entry.

      Finally, there is Workers Defense Project, which does workplace justice for undocumented immigrants. I hope that helps!

  • Linc

    These posts are amazing. I can’t remember how I ended up here. One of those link of a link late night wandering things that happen so often when I can’t get off the internet. 🙂

    Your words about social location really connected, especially about not being able to tease out one thing over another. Other trans folks have asked me if I grew up having issues about being perceived as a girl. If they’re just asking and we’re not close at all, I just give them a vague reply and move along. But of course I had issues…

    I had issues about being raised in a violent family, about having disabilities, about watching my mom do a job she never liked and worrying she’d never get ahead. Abuse, poverty, school, learning problems…it was a bit hard to untangle and name my trans stuff when it was wound up tight in everything else.

    Looking forward to reading other posts.

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